Modi really deserves kudos! By Vijay Joshi Finally, it was Narendra Modi who had the last smile of satisfaction after the results of Gujarath assembly elections have been announced and Sonia Gandhi, supremo of the Congress, who called Modi “the merchant of death”, had to swallow her own words. In fact, what made Modi to regain power in Gujarat in spite of vehement election campaign against him and his party by the Congress and other allied political parties is not a mystery at all! Around a month before elections to the Gujarat assembly, I happened to glance at a news magazine that had published an exclusive interview with Modi. It was really wondering for anyone as Modi was staying away from journalists for, I suppose, he was branded by the media world as the propagator of hardcore Hindutva ideology. So, it was natural for anyone to be surprised at the sight of any newsmagazine publishing his interview. In that interview the interviewer had questioned Modi if he had done anything for
ಆನೋ ಭದ್ರಾಃ ಕೃತವೋ ಯಂತು ವಿಶ್ವತ: